PPG Listing Criteria

This site belongs to the

Primary Purpose Group of SAA, Dallas.

We wish to support other groups who are philosophically like us by listing their meetings on this site. Our utmost concern is for the newcomer. We must be confident that if a newcomer is looking for a Big Book study, that he/she will will find one as referenced on this web site. The same applies to foundation meetings, speaker meetings, and Step presentation meetings. We rely on the rigorous honesty of members of these groups to report with accuracy the format and philosophy of the meeting being listed. This is an attempt to set a frame of reference for like-minded groups.

1. The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous is the only place where the precise, specific, clear-cut instructions for working the Steps can be found. With regard to the Steps we reference no other material. To assist with extraction of its meaning we may refer to a dictionary, preferably one that was published as close to the mid 1930s as possible. All other material or discussion in our meetings is an outside issue.

2. We conduct our published meetings with rigorous adherence to the Twelve Traditions. For their interpretation we primarily reference their long form but may gather additional clarification from the Traditions portion of the Twelve Steps and Twelve Tradition of Alcoholics Anonymous. All other paths are not Twelve Step and therefore an outside issue.

3. Our greatest concern is for the newcomer. This is why we restrict our published meetings to one of 5 types: Big Book study, foundation, Step presentation, Tradition presentation/study and speaker meetings where a sober member who has worked the Steps with a sponsor using the Big Book alone for sex addiction tells his/her story. The content of a speaker meeting should share enough of what we were like (experience) to make the identification, enough of what happened (strength) to demonstrate the program, but making special emphasis on what we are like now (hope) to demonstrate that happy, contented sobriety is possible no matter what the current circumstances. Formal First Steps are not reconcilable to the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, neither do they contain any strength or hope.

4. Outside issues belong outside the context of a published meeting. Our published meetings should be a place where the newcomer can show up and not hear anything that will confuse, soften or distort our program. Obvious violations include discussion of politics, religion, social reform on the issue of sexuality and paths of recovery not reconcilable to the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. We also consider personal problems to be an outside issue. “Getting current” and “check-ins” should be conducted outside of a published meeting in a manner where there is accountability. The best place is with a sponsor, where the protege is held accountable for applying the Steps to the problem being checked in. Whether with a sponsor or in any other venue, the person checking in should understand that he/she will receive feedback, some perhaps not to his/her liking. A published meeting is a place where a newcomer might show up unannounced or late. He/She should hear enough of the disease model to make the identification and anything else heard in a meeting should be focused on our solution, not war stories and not personal problems.

5. The trusted servants of a group are responsible for serving the group conscience, not the individuals in a meeting. When an attendee begins to speak on outside issues or in a manner contrary to the meeting format, the facilitator is responsible for being gentle but firm with such a person. The facilitator should assure this person that they are welcome but such discussion is not. Other regular members of the group should be willing to help in such circumstances, asking the individual to speak with him/her outside of the meeting should the behavior persist. That way the meeting can go on without further interruption.